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Plusmail WebControl:


The WebControl System allows you to control your web site from any Internet browser. This virtually eliminates the need for novice users to learn and use FTP and SSH. The more familiar interface of the web browser combined with point and click simplicity, makes the WebControl System an extremely user-friendly web management tool. The WebControl System is included with every account.

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Login Information

To log into your WebControl System, go to www.yourdomain.com/cgi-bin/plusmail

You will need to use your username and password. Enter this information into the boxes, and click "Login". You will then see the main page of the System.

Site Summary

Clicking on the Site Summary button shows you valuable information about your account. Inside you will find:

site summary

Site Name: This is the name of your web site, and is the same as your registered domain name.

Site Administrator Username: You will need a user name to access or "connect" to our computers. Just like your site name, your user name will be unique from everyone else on the server.

Disk Used: This is how much disk space you have used.

Server Names: Each web site is set-up on a specific server. This section tells you the name of the server your site is on. Web: tells you the name used to reach your site through a browser window. Secure: tells you what server name to use when calling the secure server (a secure form, for example)

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Site Reports

Site Reports give you valuable information about accesses and errors to your web site. You will be able to see who has visited your site and statistics regarding the number of hits to certain pages, and by certain individuals.

site reports

Web Server: This will show you Wusage, a graphical statistics program. Click this link to see how many people access your site, and which pages they visited. If your account has the referrer logs option, you will be able to see exactly how your visitors reached your site (through a link on a search engine, for example).

Raw Access Logs: Access logs show you in text format where accesses to your page are coming from. Each line will show what IP address the visitor was using while accessing your web site, at what time they came, and to what page.

Error Logs: Error logs show you the time and date that someone experienced an error page. If you have error logs enabled, you can access them through your home directory. (See the "Site Manager" section to learn how to access your home directory.)

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User Manager

A user is someone who can use or access your site files. As the web site owner, you decide who has permission to access your account. First, you need to add users. To do so, click on the Add User link.

There are three levels of permission; POP, FTP and SSH.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol): FTP is a method of uploading files from your computer to the server your account is located on, or downloading files from the server to your local computer.

To upload or download files using FPT, you must use an FTP client such as the Site Manager in the WebControl Panel, or WS_FTP. You will find instructions on how to use Site Manager here. For WS_FTP instructions, click here.

To set-up an FTP account:

1. Follow the steps listed under General Account Set-up instructions.
2. Select "FTP" as the account type in Step 3.
3. If you need to limit the user to a particular directory, enter the directory in Step 6. If not, leave it blank

SSH (Secure Shell): SSH is secure Telnet. Telnet is a protocol that enables you to log into a remote host or terminal through your home pc, as though you were sitting directly at the server your account is on.

To set-up an SSH account:

1. Follow the steps listed under General Account Set-up instructions.
2. Select "Telnet" as the account type in Step 3.
3. If you need to limit the user to a particular directory, enter the directory in Step 6. If not, leave it blank.

POP (Post Office Protocol): This is an email account, a private storage location for anyone sending electronic mail. It can be accessed from any computer running a third party email program such as Eudora, Netscape or Outlook. It is sometimes confusing to think of email as a level of permission, but you are still letting someone access a small piece of your account.

add virtual user

General user account set-up instructions:

1. Click on "Add User" at the top of the screen.
2. Select the account type you wish to add (POP, FTP, SSH) Look at description of each above, to determine which is best for you.
3. For Username, put the name you wish your user to access the account with.
4. Enter the password that users will use to access the account.
5. The directory field is used to limit a user to a particular subdirectory (so they cannot write files in directories outside the one specified). The restricted user will still be able to read directories outside the restricted one. However, they will not be able to write or execute to the directory.

This will be relative to the /www directory, such as the following example:
Directory: /www/users/bob
Entry in directory field will be: /users/bob

6. If you are setting up an email account, leave the directory field blank.
7. Click "Setup".

By clicking on user list, you can easily see who you have added to your account, and what kind of permission they have. You can check off the username you wish to modify from the left hand side, and then delete or modify the password for it below.

This user list shows that Dino is just an email account, while Webmaster has full SSH access. You can remove and add users through this interface.

user list

There may be charges for setting up additional users under your account. If you are unsure whether you may add an additional user account, please contact the sales department

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Site Manager

The Site Manager will be a very important tool in the creation of your web site. After all of your hard work, you will need to upload the web site to your server space on our computers. The Site Manager is where you will begin.

site manager

It is very important that you name your home page, the first page that you want visitors to see when they visit your web site, to index.htm or index.html. When a browser visits your web site by typing in your domain name, i.e., www.yourdomain.com, the browser program will automatically search for a page titled index.htm or index.html by default. If the browser does not find one, your visitor will not be able to get into your web site without a specific page name to add to the domain URL. Once you name your first "home" page index.html, you will need to upload it to the www directory in your account.

To Upload to www
1. Check off the yellow folder titled "www" and click on the link to open it. In this folder, you will see files that have been installed to your account.
2. Click on "Browse" in the File Upload section. Find the index.html you created for your home page. Save as index.html and press upload. This will transfer this file from your computer to ours.
3. You should see the index.html file in the "www" folder above.
4. Once it is uploaded, you can edit, rename, or delete each file you create.
5. Open up your web browser and type in your domain name. You should see the page you created in your browser.
6. Through this web interface, you can click on the appropriate buttons to move, delete, and modify files that you have created. As your web knowledge increases, you may create more folders for better organization. The left side of the screen controls the directories and subdirectories of your account. The right side controls the individual files.

Password Protecting A Directory

Sometimes part of a web site will need to be password protected so that only certain users can access it. You can create password protection that will block access to all users except those with passwords that you create. It is generally not a good idea to password protect your "www" directory, because no one will be able to access your web site.

To password protect a directory:

1. Once you have created a directory you want to protect, select that folder in the Site Manager. If the directory is inside another one in the /www directory (i.e., /www/images/secret), select the directory it is located in and click "Open Directory". If you would like to protect a file, click on the file name inside the folder.
2. Select the username and password used to enter the directory. You can create several different username/password combinations for the same directory if you wish.
3. Click "Protect".
4. To test it, type in the path name that you have protected (ex. http://yourdomain.com/protect/protected.html) to see if a password window is displayed.

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E-Mail Forwarding

Email forwarding (also called email redirection) is used to redirect email from one address to another. For example, you might have sales@yourdomain.com automatically redirected to your sales person's personal email address, and support@yourdomain.com redirected to your support person's personal email address.

You may also have redirects set-up to send email to more than one address. For example, you may have email addressed to support@yourdomain.com redirected to each member of your support staff. You may have as many redirects as you like, and with your WebControl System, setting them up is as simple as filling in the blanks. Once you've logged into your WebControl System, select the Email Forwarding button.

email forwarding

To set-up an email redirect:

1. Address: Enter the name or title portion of the address only. For example, you would enter sales and not sales@yourdomain.com.
2. Forward To: Enter the FULL valid email address that you want the email forwarded to. For example, joe@elsewhere.com (Type carefully. If you make an error the email will be forwarded to an incorrect email address).
3. Also Forward To: If applicable, enter the FULL valid email address of others you want this email to go to. For example, jack@overthere.com.
4. Add/Edit Redirects: Click this button to save your changes.

To edit or delete an existing redirect, simply change or remove the information in the entry fields and click on Add/Edit Redirects.

Please note:
Deleting the default entry will remove the email aliasing feature, and you will not receive email from misspelled or incorrect email addresses.

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Creating a Mailing List, Subscribable Mailing List & Majordomo List

Mailing lists are a popular way for people to send and receive information of a particular type. For example, you might wish to add all of your customers to a mailing list, then notify them all of upcoming sales or specials with just one email flyer.

To create a new mailing list:

1. Check off "New Mail list".
2. Enter the name you wish the list to be under in the "Name of Mail list" box. For example, if you wanted the list to be newsletter@yourdomain.com, you would enter newsletter into the box.
3. Click "Add/Edit/Delete Mail list".
4. A page with entry boxes for email addresses will now be displayed. When you are finished adding addresses to your list be sure to click on the "Add to List" button to add your entries to your new list. If you run out of spaces, save your changes and then edit the list (see below) and more boxes will be added to the form.

To edit a mailing list:
1. Check off "Edit a Mail list".
2. Choose the list you wish to edit from the pull down menu.
3. Click "Add/Edit/Delete Mail list".
4. A page with entry boxes for email addresses will now be displayed. When you are finished adding addresses to your list be sure to click on the "Add to List" button to add your entries to your new list. If you run out of spaces, save your changes and then edit the list again and more boxes will be added to the form.

To delete a mailing list:
1. Check off "Delete a Mail list".
2. Choose the list you wish to delete from the pull down menu.
3. Click "Add/Edit/Delete Mail list".

password protection

Password protecting a mail list.
If you would like to password protect your mail list, please follow these 
steps when sending the list.
1.) Type the password on the very top line of the body of your message
2.) Hit enter once
3.) Begin typing your message
Please note: This feature does not work with Outlook Express.
If you use Outlook Express, you may want to use a Hotmail or Yahoo address 
when sending to the list.


Subscribable Mailing Lists
Making a mailing list subscribable allows your customers to subscribe to your mailing list simply by emailing a certain address.

subscribable mail list

To add a subscribable mailing list:
1. Enter the address where your customers will send email to subscribe to the list.
2. Enter the mailing list name (i.e., newsletter@yourdomain.com).
3. Enter a short message that will be sent to your customers once they are subscribed to the list.


Majordomo is a subscribable mailing list with administrative features. It has more comprehensive features than regular subscribable mailing lists. Please note that additional charges may apply for this feature.


To set-up a majordomo list:
1. Enter the desired list name.
2. Enter the password you wish to use for the list.
3. Click "Setup Majordomo". Majordomo usually requires 36-48 hours to be activated.

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An autoresponder is a pre-determined message with information you want automatically sent to anyone who emails a designated email address/mailbox at your domain. When an email is sent to a mailbox that you have assigned an autorespond message to, the autoresponder automatically sends a reply. You can easily create an autoresponder with the WebControl System provided with your domain.


To set-up an autoresponder:
1. Put the email address you would like to have an autoresponder come from in the "Email Address" field.
2. Create the message you would like people to receive when they email you.
3. Click "Add Autoresponder". You can always edit, view, or delete them later.
4. Send an email to that address to make sure it works!

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There are several features available for accounts that may require an additional charge. If you are not sure whether a particular feature listed in "Extras" is included with your account, please contact the Sales Department. To install a specific feature, check off the correct one and click on "install service". After 10 minutes, follow the individual links below.

Referrer Logs:
If Referrer Logs are included with your account, they just need to be installed. Check off the Referrer Logs option. Please see the Site Reports page for usage, and to view these statistics.

Error Logs:
If Error Logs are included with your account, they just need to be installed. Check off the Error Logs option. These are installed automatically. Please see the Site Reports page for usage.

Real Audio/Video:
This is installed automatically. Please see the Real Audio/Video section for instructions on uploading Real media files in the correct format.

1. Name the chat file, i.e., music.html.
2. The location of the chat file is relative to your www directory. For example, if you wanted the URL to be http://yourdomain.com/chat/music.html, you would put /chat in the next field. Make sure to put the "/".
3. Java chat can be English only; Volano can be a language other than English.

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WebControl Password

To password protect your WebControl System, click on "Password Manager".

Click on the specific username, and type the password you wish to change to. You must then retype the password for confirmation.

Free Scripts:

There are numerous free scripts included with most accounts. Since these features require disk space, they are not installed by default. However, we have made installation of these features very easy. Simply check off the features you wish to add to your account, and click Install Scripts. Then, follow the individual instructions for each script.

Script Setup URLs

Once you install a script from the list above, you will need to configure it for your web site. Below are the URLs at which you will find the set-up functions. Please note that in each one, you will need to replace yourdomain.com with your personal domain name.

That's An Order: http://yourdomain.com/lto.htm
(click here for additional instructions)

Visitor Pro Guestbook: http://yourdomain.com/vbpro/docs
(click here for additional instructions)

Multi User Forums: http://yourdomain.com/forums/cgi-s/
(click here for additional instructions)

Pro Links Page: http://yourdomain.com/links/manual.htm
(additional instructions coming soon)

Whois: http://yourdomain.com/cgi-bin/whois.cgi
(click here for additional instructions)

Graphic Counter: http://yourdomain.com/counter/
(click here for additional instructions)

Postcards: http://yourdomain.com/cards
(click here for additional instructions)

Vote Script: http://yourdomain.com/pollit

Quiz Master: http://yourdomain.com/quiz
(click here for additional instructions)

SFE Page Search: http://yourdomain.com/search/instruct.htm

PHP4: This script does not need to be set-up once it is installed.
(click here for additional instructions)

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